Happy Turkey Day!!!!!!!

That sucks bk... Do you have salt licks taped to your bumpers or something?
You have killed more deer with steel bumpers than the Springfield armory has in the last 200yrs.
is she ok? I hope she picked that bad boy up and put it in trunk. Nothing says revenge like eating the back straps after it destroys your car :smirk:
Yep! They're all ok! We couldn't find the deer.I wanted some deer meat bad too!.. She said she could have missed the deer but there was a truck following her so closely , And crazy acting, She just let of the gas and knew she had to hit it. My grandma and neice and nephew where with here. Thats why she didn't want to try to get away from it. She was affraid she would do more damage or get someone hurt by trying to weave or slam on the brakes.