ever since i was born, i have been attracted to dirtbikes. mainly because my dad told me about all of his storys from when he was a kid about all of his dirtbike adventures.
when i was 5, i didnt have a dirtbike, so i really got into bmx. aboutt when i was 7, i got an xmas gift that would change my life, a plastic tabletop jump (you know, the kind you buy from toys-R-us) i put that thing in my drive way and did jumps on it for hours, and i remeber some of the older kids in my neighborhood would come over and join me (no one els my age knew how to ride a bike, lol!), and thats how we would spend our late summer afternoons. i then made a small trail along the backside of our small yard. the trail must have been about 100 yards long. i rode that thing back and fourth all day! (all on my bmx bike of course) i then started to build jumps and added small obsticals. i had alot of fun on that trail. and when i rode, i always made moto noises with my mouth and pretended i was on a dirtbike.
Then, another thing happend that changed my life, a new family move in to the neighborhood. and they rode dirtbikes! one day, they invited my dad and i to ride with them. so we did. that was was the first time i rode a dirtbike. it was only a one day expirence, but it was one of the best days of my life
when i was 8, we moved the florida. there, my dad and i watched our first and only supercross race (orlando 2007) that was awsome!
when i was 10, we moved to the curent house that i live in now. i then got another thing that changed my life, a Razor mx500 electric dirtbike. i rode that thing nonstop in the 4th grade around the streets. in the 5th grade, i got a mountain bike. my house is located on some awsome trails, so i rode them ALOT
when i was 12, my neighbor's friend had dirtbikes and they rode on those trails. i always tried to mauntain bike with them, but i could never keep up. so i really wanted a dirtbike then so i could ride with them. it was all i could think about. so after alot of begging, i got one. a crf150f! (i paid for half of it). i got it on my 13th b day. it was awsome! of corse, as soon as i got it, my friends lost interest in riding and i ended up riding on my own. eventually, my dad got a bike to ride with me, a crf230f. we got tired of our trails, so we joined a club/track. now we have race bikes and do motocross. im 15 now and i have gone from knowing nothing bout dirtbike when i was 13, to spending all of my time doing something dirtbike related. i have a huge passion for the sport and i will never burn out
i also still love mountain biking just as much as i do motocross.
when i was 5, i didnt have a dirtbike, so i really got into bmx. aboutt when i was 7, i got an xmas gift that would change my life, a plastic tabletop jump (you know, the kind you buy from toys-R-us) i put that thing in my drive way and did jumps on it for hours, and i remeber some of the older kids in my neighborhood would come over and join me (no one els my age knew how to ride a bike, lol!), and thats how we would spend our late summer afternoons. i then made a small trail along the backside of our small yard. the trail must have been about 100 yards long. i rode that thing back and fourth all day! (all on my bmx bike of course) i then started to build jumps and added small obsticals. i had alot of fun on that trail. and when i rode, i always made moto noises with my mouth and pretended i was on a dirtbike.
Then, another thing happend that changed my life, a new family move in to the neighborhood. and they rode dirtbikes! one day, they invited my dad and i to ride with them. so we did. that was was the first time i rode a dirtbike. it was only a one day expirence, but it was one of the best days of my life
when i was 8, we moved the florida. there, my dad and i watched our first and only supercross race (orlando 2007) that was awsome!
when i was 10, we moved to the curent house that i live in now. i then got another thing that changed my life, a Razor mx500 electric dirtbike. i rode that thing nonstop in the 4th grade around the streets. in the 5th grade, i got a mountain bike. my house is located on some awsome trails, so i rode them ALOT
when i was 12, my neighbor's friend had dirtbikes and they rode on those trails. i always tried to mauntain bike with them, but i could never keep up. so i really wanted a dirtbike then so i could ride with them. it was all i could think about. so after alot of begging, i got one. a crf150f! (i paid for half of it). i got it on my 13th b day. it was awsome! of corse, as soon as i got it, my friends lost interest in riding and i ended up riding on my own. eventually, my dad got a bike to ride with me, a crf230f. we got tired of our trails, so we joined a club/track. now we have race bikes and do motocross. im 15 now and i have gone from knowing nothing bout dirtbike when i was 13, to spending all of my time doing something dirtbike related. i have a huge passion for the sport and i will never burn out