How do y'all clean up your plastics?






(dont use that orange soap for the garage, i did and it smelled like farts for 2 weeks :lol:)
Yea but I could take your graphic off

I have been using a pressure washer to wash my bike since the day I got it, I have never peeled off any graphics or damaged any bearings, its just a matter of being smart about it.

I wash the bike with a pressure washer, take a degreaser or contact cleaner of my choice and hit the greasy spots, pressure wash it again, anything else, like chain lube thrown on the plastics, wd40 will easily take care of. I then spray down the underside of the fenders with wd40, it helps keep mud off a little bit better, and then apply the polish ( ) my choice to the plastics.


Staff member
If it's really muddy I'll just stop at the car wash on the way home.

Hose off all the mud/dirt with the rinse option then pop it over to the tire/engine cleaner and cover everything with it. Rinse again. Done.

A cheap non-stick cooking spray (similar to Pam) works great to cover the fenders with.
I just get all the big dirt chunks off with the pressure washer and that gets alot of it and then after that i usually get a cloth and wipe down the parts that the washer couldnt get off (ud be supprised of how much u can get off by even scrubbing lightly). and then what alot of guys use is wd-40 because sence its kindove a lubricant the dirt slides or comes off the plastic alot easier and it will keep ur fenders looking good. and another thing is if you realy want to make it unbelivably clean. use cleaner like justincr250 said and then put tire shine on JUST the plastics and it puts an unbileavble shine to it. but the tire shine collects dust fast so after a few laps it will normally look dirtier than most bikes.


Staff member
:cheers: Welcome Kyle. Go create a new member thread and post up some pictures of your 125. :thumb:

:noidea: BTW ever heard of capitalization or punctuation? :smirk:

:thinking: Better not let rezrider aka the Gammar Police see this post or he'll have a heart attack. :shocked: :P
I have been using a pressure washer to wash my bike since the day I got it, I have never peeled off any graphics or damaged any bearings, its just a matter of being smart about it.

I wash the bike with a pressure washer, take a degreaser or contact cleaner of my choice and hit the greasy spots, pressure wash it again, anything else, like chain lube thrown on the plastics, wd40 will easily take care of. I then spray down the underside of the fenders with wd40, it helps keep mud off a little bit better, and then apply the polish ( ) my choice to the plastics.

I've heard of people who's graphix came off besides when I clean my bike I get into detail I use a bush the size of a tooth brush and clean the engine
:cheers: Welcome Kyle. Go create a new member thread and post up some pictures of your 125. :thumb:

:noidea: BTW ever heard of capitalization or punctuation? :smirk:

:thinking: Better not let rezrider aka the Gammar Police see this post or he'll have a heart attack. :shocked: :P
hahaha im stupid remeber? u wanted me to jump out of the truck hahaha and by the way wats punctuatuion:lol: