Injured How many DBA'ers are healing right now....

Its been a long time since I got hurt on a bike. But I'm sure the day is coming. Last time I went down hard I got a nice ride in the vehicle with flashing lights and spent the night in the hospital.:smirk:
How long ago did that happen? Was it when you crashed on the 120" jump :noidea:

haha... april of 09... while i was working with the CHP i rode from my house in barstow to stoddard valley and wrecked hard. The 120 FOOT jump just knocked me out for a while, bent the radiator and subframe :bonk:
haha... april of 09... while i was working with the CHP i rode from my house in barstow to stoddard valley and wrecked hard. The 12" jump just knocked me out for a while, bent the radiator and subframe :bonk:

I'm no doctor, but I would think that if you had a fractured wrist in 4/2009 it would heave healed by now.
Hell you teenagers or twenty somethings have it easy. It takes a lot to get hurt and you heal quick. Then there is me at 47. I'm always healing from something. By the grace of God it's usually just something minor. I'll keep riding as long as I can though.
I'm no doctor, but I would think that if you had a fractured wrist in 4/2009 it would heave healed by now.
oh... nope no healing... the doc said there isn't any blood flow to the area so there wouldn't be any healing. With the new medical plan i can get back on my parents for 2 more years so we're working on that as well as me getting a job but the stupid states froze cause they keep giving themselves raises and not signing the budget! :lame:
oh... nope no healing... the doc said there isn't any blood flow to the area so there wouldn't be any healing. With the new medical plan i can get back on my parents for 2 more years so we're working on that as well as me getting a job but the stupid states froze cause they keep giving themselves raises and not signing the budget! :lame:
So you broke your scaphoid bone in your wrist. You really need to get that fixed. If you don't it will end your riding career and you will be somewhat disabled. It generally turns into what is known as traumatic arthritis and that is what disables you. Once that damage is done it can't really be fixed. The good news? As long as the arthritis is not getting bad you can get the bone fixed and you will be good as new after a bit of time. It takes a bone graft, but it is a pretty standard treatment that usually works out.
So you broke your scaphoid bone in your wrist. You really need to get that fixed. If you don't it will end your riding career and you will be somewhat disabled. It generally turns into what is known as traumatic arthritis and that is what disables you. Once that damage is done it can't really be fixed. The good news? As long as the arthritis is not getting bad you can get the bone fixed and you will be good as new after a bit of time. It takes a bone graft, but it is a pretty standard treatment that usually works out.

yes thats the one thats broke... i didnt know about the "traumatic arthritis" though so hopefully i can get it fixed before then!
Does this count? I think it should!

I was going to fire up the bike last weekend and have it warm up while I geared up and got ready...

The 12:1 comp piston is a beast to kick foot slipped offed, and it fired sending the kickstarter at Warp Factor 10 into the back of my calf

I'm still limping around from that! :foul: