this is why you cut your hair or at least wear it up haha
my brother had something similar happen to him while on a tractor bush hogging our field, the drive shaft connecting the bush hog to the back of the tractor caught his shirt that was around his waist and pulled him down into it and wrapped his arm around the drive shaft while it was one sued back then. the world seemed much simpler and better place to live when we didn't blame every else for our misfortunes
WTF? How long is/was her hair?
Yeah, nothing says how it happened, exposed meaning what? I mean, the driveshaft of my truck is exposed if you're under it...I can't imagine there being ANY openings to enable someone to touch a moving part directly below you while seated. Isn't there a floor/pan that the seats sit on? I'd think it is solid...
Well in the RZR accident it says that the driveshaft is exposed near the passenger side seat
I know it said that however.. exposed how? I've never seen the layout of one of them nor any other side by side to know how this could have happened. If it's a reasonable "exposure" meaning there's room for safety concern then maybe she has a case however, because I am in the mfg industry and SAFETY is thee priority (for both customer AND employee) I can't imagine Polaris neglected to evaluate this. By the sounds of it her hair was flowing (BTW...hillbilly or not, she has every right to have long hair) however as the previous picture shows, there can be safety issues if left "flowing in the breeze"...
Refrain, refrain yourself CDA...But it's so hard! Oh crap, I said hard.....I absolutely hate the idea of suing anybody, but if the driveshaft was exposed within reaching distance seats of the RZR that is a bit sketchy. Growing up with hair down to my butt I've always known to keep it contained when I'm going to be riding my dirt bikes or even riding in my dune buggy. I've got my hair stuck in so many things over the years, heck I've even fallen off my skateboard and found my hair wrapped around the wheel, close my hair in the car door whenever it's windy out and if this woman has that long of hair she should of known better. BUT if the driveshaft is indeed exposed, that's a safety issue and Polaris needs to hear about it.
Refrain, refrain yourself CDA...But it's so hard! Oh crap, I said hard.....
Thanks for pointing that out...being in the mfg biz yourself you know that if it can happen people will sue....
and actually, you said IT'S so hard!
Thanks for pointing that out...
It says:Well in the RZR accident it says that the driveshaft is exposed near the passenger side seat
It says:
"Amber’s hair became caught in the unguarded and unprotected rotating drive shaft which is below the passenger seat,"
A friend has one similar or just like it and the only way to get to it is via the outside. Inside is closed up similar to a car, so it'd be like your hair flowing out the car window and getting caught in something underneath. I'd really like to know more about the circumstances surrounding this.yes but unguarded/unprotected as in HOW? from any access from above? so if you're sitting in the passenger seat you can reach down and grab it?? if that's the case then like Em said, Polaris needs to answer for that mistake. if it's an opening that is inaccessible during "normal" activity and her hair got caught... I would say that is not a normal problem usually kept in mind! and again like Em said, she should be aware that there ARE moving parts regardless and have put her hair up and out of the way!