Illegal Downloading

even still james... those people would never have went and spent 1$ anyway. but now that its gone viral they might go to a concert or actually buy it so they can easily put it on their ipod or whatever. Ohh wait i am sorry im wrong about that one .. DRM doesnt actually protect anything... another reason why illegal downloading is so popular. Companys spend big bucks programming and developing DRM features that are supposed to make things legit and harder for illegal DL. But really all it does is punish the people who DO buy the product and reward the ones who dont. here is a article on gaming and DRM.

bear with me cause it is a gaming article but its very relevant as games are one of the biggest pirated medias out there.
First of all let me dispel the myth about DRM protecting anything. The truth is it does not work. It’s as simple as that. The technology which is supposed to protect games against illegal copying is cracked within hours of the release of every single game. So, that’s wasted money and development just to implement it. But that’s not the worst part. DRM, in most cases, requires users to enter serial numbers, validate his or her machine, and be connected to the Internet while they authenticate – and possibly even when they play the game they bought. Quite often the DRM slows the game down, as the wrapper around the executable file is constantly checking if the game is being legally used or not. That is a lot the legal users have to put up with, while the illegal users who downloaded the pirated version have a clean–and way more functional!–game. It seems crazy, but that’s how it really works. So if you are asking me how do I see the future of DRM in games, well, I do not see any future for DRM at all.

before steam came around i use to pirate lots of games. Hate me or love me but here is why. Im a huge gamer and i use to spend lots of my extra cash on games. then get em and they are total shit. dont work right or whatever making me feel very ripped off for my 60 bucks i just spend so i stopped buying games. then i found Warez or what we liked to call the "store" and i would DL the game and try it out. Of course when you do that you dont get all the options of the game cause its hacked or cracked. if the game was good i would then go purchase it. if i never Tried before i buy i wold have never bought the game in the first place. Now a days with apps like steam for games i can dl a demo (xbox as well) which makes it so i dont have to go pirate anymore.
ohh and why is the RIAA evil as fuck....

Lest we forget – and I never get tired of this fact – the RIAA, in its case against LimeWire, originally estimated the losses caused by file sharers using the service as up to $75 trillion – that is, more money than exists in the world.

this guy put it pretty well and i agree... i should have made it more clear that i dont think EVERY person is like me

While it drives me nuts as a gamer when companies multiply retail price by torrent tracker to come up with a ridiculous figure like the 75 trillion (Nintendo did something similar with DS piracy not too long ago), it also drives me nuts when pirates try to argue that anybody that pirates would have never bought the game if they couldn’t have gotten it free

some would go buy it regardless.


Staff member
even still james... those people would never have went and spent 1$ anyway. but now that its gone viral they might go to a concert or actually buy it so they can easily put it on their ipod or whatever.
That's the hard part about this, how can you prove that somebody would or wouldn't do that? :noidea:
DRM doesnt actually protect anything...
DRM is a big pile of shat. :thumb:
before steam came around i use to pirate lots of games. Hate me or love me but here is why. Im a huge gamer and i use to spend lots of my extra cash on games. then get em and they are total shit. dont work right or whatever making me feel very ripped off for my 60 bucks i just spend so i stopped buying games. then i found Warez or what we liked to call the "store" and i would DL the game and try it out. Of course when you do that you dont get all the options of the game cause its hacked or cracked. if the game was good i would then go purchase it. if i never Tried before i buy i wold have never bought the game in the first place. Now a days with apps like steam for games i can dl a demo (xbox as well) which makes it so i dont have to go pirate anymore.
I rarely buy a game without first trying out a demo/trial version. :thumb:

I don't think that this same concept applies directly to music though, because unlike games, you don't get anything more by buying it legally.

Radio [used to be] the way you'd find new songs and then go buy the album. Now it's more of watching the music video on YouTube. :noidea: I guess I can sort of see the argument about music in other videos (for example your riding videos) bringing attention to artist. However you should technically still get the artist's permission. BTW this is all contingent on you not running ads on your videos.
yea thats true with music... ohh and Itunes got smart and removed the DRM and BAM sales went up.

for me... i will never use itunes again. I purchased a song for 1$ the DL started. The DL stopped. the file was never put on my PC anywhere. They would not allow me to re DL or give me credit and pretty much stone walled me on the phone. NEVER AGAIN :prof:

as for the youtube thing... if its not royalty free or have permission i can not add an advertisement.

Pirating is a pretty complicated subject. there is so many different media's to think about and then there is all the ways that the media is used to think about as well. i dont see a problem with sharing media but when you are trying to profit off someone elses stuff is not cool. The only reason this is a issue these days is because of the internet. 20 years ago when you bought a VHS tape went to a friends house and showed it to him. On the other end that fucker who makes the bootleg vids and goes to the swap meet and trys selling them as if they were real should go to jail and be fined. Now if i show some friends online some music i purchased it should be ok. if i set up servers to massively share out that stuff for profit(setting up sites with advertisement and yadda yadda) then yea courts should go get em. The way they figure how much is not right tho.


Staff member
I dont see a problem with sharing media but when you are trying to profit off someone elses stuff is not cool.
Let me put this in a different way, granted it's not an apples to apples comparison but you can probably see why some people (ie record labels) have issues with this.

You create 100 tees/hats with the primary design being "[insert brand name]", you then go and give them away for free. You didn't make a profit, heck you actually took a loss, however is this legal to do? Are you giving [insert brand name] free advertising or are you cutting into their t-shirt/hat sales? :noidea:
The only reason this is a issue these days is because of the internet.
Exactly, which means that record labels/artists have to figure out different ways to make money as things will never go back to how they once were. :thumb:
Am i cutting into the sales of the artist i use when on youtube?

if i went out and made a bunch of FOX shirts and handed them out at a MX event am i cutting into their sales? Possibly if they had a booth set up at that event. Possibly someone might get a free one but their friend didnt know how or where i was and they did not get a free one so they went and bought it at the booth. It can go both ways for sure..


Staff member
if i went out and made a bunch of FOX shirts and handed them out at a MX event am i cutting into their sales? Possibly if they had a booth set up at that event. Possibly someone might get a free one but their friend didnt know how or where i was and they did not get a free one so they went and bought it at the booth. It can go both ways for sure..
That's the hard thing to figure out, would you actually be doing more good than harm? I could pretty much guarantee that you'd have a trademark infringement suit filed against you by Fox's lawyers though. :lol:
Ditto. You wouldn't walk into Walmart, steal a CD, and go make bootleg copies of it (and give them away for free) would you? And don't tell me that that isn't the same thing as it technically is. If he was just listening to this music I'd say that this case should be thrown out as you'd be hard pressed to find somebody that hasn't done this. Illegal downloading (and not sharing it) is one thing but sharing it with the masses is another.

They can't stop illegal downloading just the sources :prof: And this guy was a source of illegal downloadable music. But as for all of the random kids, adults, whoever it may be downloading music from these sources I don't think they should be punished.


Staff member
They can't stop illegal downloading just the sources :prof: And this guy was a source of illegal downloadable music. But as for all of the random kids, adults, whoever it may be downloading music from these sources I don't think they should be punished.
I'm pretty sure that they've never sued anyone that just downloaded music, only the ones that uploaded. :thumb:
The damages are not based on actual harm. They are statutory damages written into the law. I don't remember the actual details, but basically making an illegal copy can be up $30k or even $150k per "willful" offense. Put some music on that vid you put on youtube? Pony up $150k. Rip a CD to put on some other player, same deal.
That's the hard thing to figure out, would you actually be doing more good than harm? I could pretty much guarantee that you'd have a trademark infringement suit filed against you by Fox's lawyers though. :lol:
Nah brah, Greg and Pete and I will just go throw some whips at hangtown and it'll all be like normal again or something :smirk: