Injured I'm Walking!

Just thought I would update and let you all know that I got released from the Ortho clinic today with the ability to put full pressure on my ankle. I am walking without a cane and can almost keep up with a small child while walking. Since the removal of the large screw the healing process went overboard. The doctor said he has never seen anyone heal so quickly from such a horrific break. They even released me from physical therapy as I have been doing my own. So, 11 weeks after major surgery and I am about 75% back to normal. I am pretty amazed myself.

When the doc asked what I have been doing for physical therapy, I told him,

"Riding my dirt bike and my girlfriend as much as possible"

We both got a good laugh out of that one.

So, I am thinking about trying to make it to the T-Day ride!

I give this post :thumb::thumb::thumb::thumb:. way to go Rock - well done. Did anyone ever find out what really went down that evening?
I give this post :thumb::thumb::thumb::thumb:. way to go Rock - well done. Did anyone ever find out what really went down that evening?

Still have never found out what really happened. I do know that 8 other people that night were drugged. The guy that did it got caught and he was beaten so badly he will need reconstructive face surgery. I guess one of the girls that he drugged had a big boyfriend who did not like it.
Still have never found out what really happened. I do know that 8 other people that night were drugged. The guy that did it got caught and he was beaten so badly he will need reconstructive face surgery. I guess one of the girls that he drugged had a big boyfriend who did not like it.
Like the saying goes - Kahrma is a son of a gun. :thumb:
Just thought I would update and let you all know that I got released from the Ortho clinic today with the ability to put full pressure on my ankle. I am walking without a cane and can almost keep up with a small child while walking. Since the removal of the large screw the healing process went overboard. The doctor said he has never seen anyone heal so quickly from such a horrific break. They even released me from physical therapy as I have been doing my own. So, 11 weeks after major surgery and I am about 75% back to normal. I am pretty amazed myself.

When the doc asked what I have been doing for physical therapy, I told him,

"Riding my dirt bike and my girlfriend as much as possible"

We both got a good laugh out of that one.

So, I am thinking about trying to make it to the T-Day ride!

Cool, maybe Edge can pick you up on his way south for the winter :smirk:
Just thought I would update and let you all know that I got released from the Ortho clinic today with the ability to put full pressure on my ankle. I am walking without a cane and can almost keep up with a small child while walking. Since the removal of the large screw the healing process went overboard. The doctor said he has never seen anyone heal so quickly from such a horrific break. They even released me from physical therapy as I have been doing my own. So, 11 weeks after major surgery and I am about 75% back to normal. I am pretty amazed myself.

When the doc asked what I have been doing for physical therapy, I told him,

"Riding my dirt bike and my girlfriend as much as possible"

We both got a good laugh out of that one.

So, I am thinking about trying to make it to the T-Day ride!

Glad to hear it. Come down and make me look bad.:smirk::thumb: I never heard the story. What happened?
I was at a bar in my hometown with my band playing a gig. I usually drink about a 12 pack of Pale Ale at each gig. This time was different for some reason I only had 4 beers through the whole show. It was busy so they were slacking on my drinks. Then we finish the night, get payed, and as we are packing up all the gear I order one more beer to make number 5. I get the beer, take a couple sips and leave it at the bar. 5 minutes later I came back to have the rest of the beer and head out. So, I drink the beer while I sit there talking to one of the Jeagermeister girls. After about 20 minutes I walked outside to smoke a cigg and talk to another friend. After this I remember nothing but can tell you from what I heard of other people what happened.

Apparently some Jackass was slipping GHB into girls drinks and I grabbed the wrong drink. Next thing I know I am laying in the dirt with my helmet on, my bike is on it's kickstand right next to me, and we are both on the backside of the building in the dark. I can't move and am laying in the dirt. Somehow I must have called my girlfriend for help and she came and got me. She had to pick me up to put me in the van. She said I was acting super strange and she had never seen me this way.

The next day I looked the bike over and it appears that I crashed on the right side in the gravel parking lot behind the building. The bike was super dusty and had some new scrapes and scratches on the new hand guards. After asking around I found out that someone found me laying in the gravel with my bike on top of me and helped me up and moved me over to a safer location, then dialed my phone for me. I still have no idea who this person is but I do remember this slightly.

Went to the hospital that next night to find out about all the damage to my leg and left hand. Surgery was 5 days later and the rest is history.

There can be several things to be learned from this experience.

Don't ride you bike to your gigs.
Don't let your drink out of your sight in shady bars.
Don't drink at all if you are riding a bike.
Learning that no matter how old you get you still occasionally make poor decisions.

That is all and I hope you all learn something from this. I will live with this lesson for the rest of my life. I am now a titanium club member for life.
Wow that is f**ked up. Didn't even crash and burn doing something stupid on your own.:shocked:

Yeah, that's what pisses me off about it so bad is that I wish I could say I overshot a double, or I fell in some gnarly creek crossing. But alas all I have is some fucked up story that makes me look like a dumb ass. It has sucked. The worst part about it is I will have this memory forever as well as the metal in my leg. Bastards spiking peoples drinks should get whatever comes their way.
Yeah, that's what pisses me off about it so bad is that I wish I could say I overshot a double, or I fell in some gnarly creek crossing. But alas all I have is some fucked up story that makes me look like a dumb ass. It has sucked. The worst part about it is I will have this memory forever as well as the metal in my leg. Bastards spiking peoples drinks should get whatever comes their way.
You can't really blame yourself here on this one. Don't be so hard on yourself. None of that happens if there is no shit in your drink.


Staff member
Glad to hear you finally got the ok Rock. :thumb: Hope you can make it to TDay. :ride:

You can't really blame yourself here on this one. Don't be so hard on yourself. None of that happens if there is no shit in your drink.
Yeah don't beat yourself up to bad Rock, remember it was that :bleep: that put it in your drink and not you. :thumb:
Cool, maybe Edge can pick you up on his way south for the winter :smirk:
:banana: Sweet Edge is coming to keep us entertained. :smirk:
Dang some how I missed how it happened. I thought it was gnarly, like crashed to in tree and clung to it so you didn't fall to your death in a creek below. :smirk:

Which shady bar was this?

I can't even understand what kind of people do that crap. :foul:Kill em all.

Glad you are healing up though and got a nice mellow ride in. Hopefully you can get a few more in before getting snowed out. :thumb:

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