
When Carls Jr. came out with the Six Dollar Burger they called it that because that's what it would cost in a restaurant, and they sold it for much less.Now they cost practically six dollars. I've noticed that they're calling them Six Dollar Thickburgers now. I think they're getting ready to drop the "Six Dollar" part .
I've gotten hooked on 5 Guys lately. They're more expensive than In-n-Out, but they sure are good. And the cajun fries are excellent. :drool:
5 guys is bomb but really expensive... Carls Jr six dollar burger is 4 something now which i NEVER buy i just get em free with the app. a big burger costs 1.29 and is much more burger then the single at in n out. the only thing is you will be hit or miss with the qualitry of the other stuff like lettuce or tomato at Carls where in n out always has really fresh stuff. its just the meat is almost nothing now... i swear last time i ate my tomato was thicker then the meat. Thats just not right.
A couple years ago while at the REZ one weekend my wife told me to go ahead and ride and that she'd take care of dinner (burgers), lighting the fire, prepping everything, etc. Cool, when we got back she had closed the lid on them when I noticed a lot of smoke coming out. She told me not to worry that she was "smoking" them... I told her "you don't smoke hamburger"... she stood up and asked "who's cooking this meal?" so I shut up and let her deal with the mess. a while later she said dinner was ready so I was waiting to hear the "you were right" but not this time... she had made thee best burgers I had ever (to this day) eaten. :drool:..... :burger: ....

The sad thing is... we've never been able to repeat it! :(
Nope.... just figured I'd add it on there...

I meant it as in "after you posted it, added it on, etc." Like this: After you posted the "whole post". it still had your mind spinning for all the things that "could have" been said. :picard:

You must really think I don't really know you, well, I know you well enough to know you posted it all together without having to go back and "edit" and/or "add" the last part to what you said. Come on Rez, I am not the enemy here. :prof:

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