[Jul 13, 2013] Stewards Dual Sport Ride - July 13 & 14, 2013 (Oakhurst, CA. 93644)

OK, while we wait for the other DSers to get their mem cards to me or post the pics themselves, I will post what I have.

Again, I am really upset with myself for forgetting my camera at home as I would have had a ton of pictures.

Let's start this thing and I may have couple duplicate pics, but you can deal...

Here is shot Thursday night from the house looking down on #5 jr loaded up and ready to go.

The game plan was to leave early Friday morning to meet, Rack, TS, Chopnwood (Now changed to Sweeper - James need a name change please), Rim Dent and Slowerthanu (which I heard also needs to be changed to something like "sit down get down"?) for a ride in the trees and to shuteye. Well plans change and I stayed home to take my Mgr to her follow up extra appointment, so we did not get on the road until 10:30am.

With CDA Jr and and all the stuff loaded up in the truck we were off. Rack was kind enough to lend out Rack JR's plated 350 for CDA JR to ride. Since CDA JR just laced up new sneakers on his non plated 350, I told him to pull his wheels and take them alone to swap out on Rack JR's bike.

Here we are about 30 mins from our destination fueling up the truck, bike and gas can.

We stopped at the store to get a few munchies, Gatorade, Dew, Red Bull and Ice and headed up the hill to camp. We pulled in and Sweeper was chillin' at camp as all the others were out on a ride to shuteye.
we unloaded, CDA Jr swapped out the wheels on Rack JR's bike and took it for a quick spin up the hwy and back. We checked in and got our roll charts, gps downloads and headed back to camp and the crew was back.

After they got cleaned up and check-in, we piled in a couple trucks and CDA Racing sponsored Pizza and Beer for dinner.:thumb:

Here is the crew at dinner.
front left working our way around: CDA Jr, Rim Dent, Roger (Red Rattle), Sweeper, Turtle Shifter and CDA - probably telling a great campfire story (:smirk:) - (Rack took the pic).

After dinner, we headed back to base camp and got dialed in for an early morning departure.

Stay Tuned...
So Sat morning rolls around and we are up and getting ready to head out on a 100 mile adventure.

CDA Jr - "Why are we up so darn early and why is it so bright?" - Kids...:picard:

Sweep and Red Rattle's bike ready to go.
Here is the CDA Racing Team clean and ready for action.

With not having my cell phone handy to get at, I only took pics at longer than usual breaks.

Here we stopped and you can she the confused look on Rim Dent's face as he is scratching his head wondering how his bar mounts got loose...:noidea:
See the XT225 parked next to #5 Jr? That is XT (his new name) and let me take this opportunity to tell the story of how he joined the crew.
We are sitting back at base camp waiting to depart when this old dude rolls up on this XT225 and says, "Hey my buddies baled on me, can I join up with you guys?" We said sure, no problem. I leaned over to CDA Jr and said, "Oh this is going to be a fun. :rolleyes:"

I will say right now, that XT is part of the CTR/DBA crew (though not a member on the DBA website and probably never will, still a member)...This guy was awesome and never needed help with any sections, even our diversion at the end of the day..:devil: Notice that he was tagged by the CTR bandit...:smirk:

Here is CDA Jr chillin' while we get Rim Dent's bars tightened down...

We pushed on for about 70 miles until we hit the gas/lunch break. We all took on about a gallon of fuel each for the last 30 mile section, parked our bikes and got a bite to eat.

Here is CDA Racing with some added crust (Crusty Trails Racing)! OH and JR must of sniffed out the DEW in the Coolers they had setup for us with water in them. JR was stoked!

CTR Bandit strikes again....:devil:

Chillin' inside eating some cheese burgers and fries...:drool:
Front center, rolling around the left: Red Rattle, Sweeper, TS, CDA JR, Rack and Rim Dent.

Back out on the bikes, Rack says, "Hey want to deviate from the Roll Chart and GPS and hit some SSS? :devil: - We all agree, cameras put away and off we go....

We hit about 30 miles of sweet trails and make it back to base camp alive...

CDA Racing showing the smiles and dirt from the day.

Stay Tuned...
We got cleaned up and headed up stairs to the lodge for Tri-Tip dinner, bench racing and the raffle.

Looks like CDA JR had too much fun today. 100 miles later and he is dreaming about the day...

Here is a shot of the DSers bench racing and getting ready for dinner.
TS in the center and CDA to the right either checking e-mails or taking a picture of TS's package...:puke:

It was 7:40pm and Rack was way passed his bed time...

We all won or was given some cool swag form the raffle they had, headed back to the trailers, updated GPS, roll charts and headed for bed.....Well someone stayed up and did some.......:devil:

The CTR Bandit must of hit our camp in the night as these were some added tags found in the morning...:devil:

Turtle Shifter's trailer hitch

Sweeper's trailer

Rim Dent's Scooter

Rack JR's scooter.

And the CTR Bandit put a special one on Rack's Truck..:smirk:

The CTR Bandit was a busy person....
Stay Tuned..
So Sunday morning we had a pretty mellow 80 miler. As the crew went up the lodge to get breakfast, I performed some CDA Racing maintenance to the scooters (should have did a better job on my own..:banghead:)

Here I am adjusting the chain on Rack's Demo he was riding.

Surprised the light bouncing off my bald head didn't wash out the shot...

We had such a great time having XT ride with us and he wanted more abuse from us, we invited him back to ride with us on Sunday.
This time he trucked his bike from his house. Oh he is a local and lives up the road about 20 miles. He rode his bike from his house on Sat to the event, rode 100 miles with us, stayed and had dinner and the raffle, jumped back on his bike about 8:30pm and rode 20 miles back to his house.....:hail: Did I mention he was a retired Army man?

Rim Dent and Red Rattle discussing the days actions.

Turtle Shifter had to do his "Whatch a thinking about" pic, so they lined all the bikes up. Notice Red Rattle and TS's bikes did not get tagged by the CTR Bandit yet?...:devil:

Trying to organize a picture is too much work....But check out TS's bike now....:smirk:

OK - Here is your "Whatch you thinking About?" shot.

We followed that up with, "Here is what we think about that." :finger:

Ok enough messing around, let's ride......
Again limited pictures on the trails. I did see Red Rattle, TS and Rack taking pictures so maybe we will see them or maybe we won't...:noidea:

I was riding along and saw this view and said.."screw it, I'm stopping for a pic.

CDA Jr rolled up, so I got his pic with the view in the background.

The lunch spot came early and we pulled in for a break and food.
There was this sweet meadow there, so I told JR to strike a pose for his mom. This is good proof to show mom we were actually riding and JR was still in one piece..:devil:

CDA Racing shot..Mom/Mgr liked this one.

The grill was fired up and the Tri-Tip was getting cooked...:drool:

We grabbed some water, more DEW for JR and I even found a Dr. Pepper in the cooler:thumb: and headed in the store to order some food.

Stay tuned...
While we were waiting for our food order to get called, I was feeling a little stirring in the belly so I was off to find a nice place to adjust the suspension...:devil:

I ran into this little resting house.

Oh yeah, I am destroying this place....

With that out of the way, we sat out by the meadow and had lunch.
The above shot actually has our newest member in it...That is XT to the right enjoying his food.

I think TS told a story and by the look on every body's faces, they think he is full of Chit...:smirk:

With food consumed and cleaned up, it was time to head back out on the trail and finish off this ride.
But first......................................Some more CTR Bandit additions.

Jones Store will never be the same.

This tag on Rim Dent's helmet almost looks like it was part of the paint job. Is that a "You're #1 in my heart" or something else he is displaying? :smirk:

Off we go........
I stopped at this nice little spot to take in the view and a picture.

CDA Racing!!!

Little did I know, Sweeper was going to pull up with a front flat. I blame this on TS as he was just talking about flats at our last stop after a long section of a rock infested trail.
So we threw his bike up on a "stand" and Sweeper went to work.

Rim Dent giving a hand holding the bike still for him, but forget about that flat, look at that view. Great spot to get a flat Sweeper :thumb:

The crew hanging in the shade while Sweeper and Rim Dent sit out in the sun. Did I mention the view?

Sweeper doing work.

I lent a hand in this process as well and when we were added some baby powder to the inside of the tire, I pulled out a big piece of plastic that is not suppose to be in there. I did not get a pic of it, but someone did. We were all scratching our heads trying to figure out what it went to and how Sweeper had 5 rides on this tire without getting a flat.
Sweeper has the part and hopefully will figure out what it was and update us here on the findings and how it got in there.

Rack's cousin and a couple of his buddies stopped by and chatted for a bit, we sent them on down the trail with some DBA and CTR stickers as they were telling us how cool they where.

Once the tire was changed and mounted back up on the bike it was time to head on out and finish this ride.

Stay Tuned..