All Kennedy Meadows Trip?

There are two fires going on, one in Tehachapi and one in Kernville (Bull Run Fire). Any smoke that has gone into KM has most likely traveled from the Tehachapi Fire. There's no fire threats/evacuations endangering KM. Route 99 is closed, but the 395/9 mile canyon wide open. If it were me, I'd stick with plans and go!!
There are two fires going on, one in Tehachapi and one in Kernville (Bull Run Fire). Any smoke that has gone into KM has most likely traveled from the Tehachapi Fire. There's no fire threats/evacuations endangering KM. Route 99 is closed, but the 395/9 mile canyon wide open. If it were me, I'd stick with plans and go!!

The smoke is from the Bull fire near Kernville.

There is a web cam up on Sherman peak. It even has history.

Good luck and may the wind blow out of the east.

The trails were good last weekend so have fun.

Lot's of water and lots of mosquitoes.

Monday at just after 4pm

Tuesday morning the fire was getting going again

Tuesday afternoon and it's smokey

right now it's looking good.
Nice pics!! :thumb: CSFA reports Techachapi was making the haze ealier... all depends on wind.

Payloan... My son rode from Hartley Springs on the Laurel Ride on his 85, did fine. However, has a few years on your youngest (if I remember from JV). Added about a gallon of fuel, but he had plenty to make it there and back. Where they stopped at the snowline was less than a mile from the Lake. The trail out had lots of whoops and the upper trails were more technical, lots of loose larger rocks across sections, which may pose more of a challenge for your youngest. Haven't received hot spring info... get maps at the visitor center in Mammoth on your way.
Dude Ranch? Not sure....
There are two Kennedy Meadows, this is not the one in N. Cal.
I think I'm going Sat-Mon, "holidays are the new weekdays", thinking everyone stays away fearing crowds? That's what the rangers said about the 4th of July wkend......
Dude Ranch? Not sure....
There are two Kennedy Meadows, this is not the one in N. Cal.
I think I'm going Sat-Mon, "holidays are the new weekdays", thinking everyone stays away fearing crowds? That's what the rangers said about the 4th of July wkend......
Ahhh okay, yeah I'm familiar with the one up in Nor Cal.