Amatuer King of the Motos


Caselli getting the jump off the Bomb Start.


Caselli making quick work of the rocks.

Graham Jarvis comes from England and shows our local pros how it is done...

Chris Rideway - True Dirt Bike Addict:thumb:
OMG!!:hail: It was AWESOME!!!


And the trucks were outrageous!!! This event ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I ended up spending the night last minute. Thanks to Baja Taxi's friends who happen to be friends of friends and had an extra tent and sleeping bag. What a great time!!:banana: Specatuclar spectating:thumb: I will try to make a video this week. Im busy with lots of work though so it may take some time. It was a full blown city erected in JV. The truck event blew my mind:wow: I have never seeen anything like it. At one point the trucks were bottlenecked at the base of the ravine and it became crazy. They were getting impatient and starting to try new lines that were seeminly impossible. At one point a truck came towards the announcers desk and he threw his papers and ran!! About 20 minutes later a CHP Heli was circling and saying on the PA for bystanders to MOVE BACK!! I could have sat there the entire day watching this. I was mesmerized:popcorn:

Here's Baja Taxi going up a ravine he expected us to follow HA!!:eek: NOT!!! Perhaps:thinking: he needs to enter the competition next year.

KOM was awesome. The start was great to watch and Casselli just killed that hill. The riders didn't know the course until it was programmed into their Voyagers right before the race. My buddy and I ran across a ridgeline to see some good high speed desert sections. Then we rode down Spooners before the racers and found check 3 and hung out for a bit.
Cody Webb came through first, followed by Redmond, Casselli, and Jarvis. Then we saw Webb walking the Beta back down Outer Limits towards us. Turns out he laid it down and killed his radiator. Abbott came in next, rolls up and asks Webb if he wants to ride his bike. :lol: he hung out for a bit BSing, took some of Webbs water, and took off. Then we jammed over to Back Door and caught a couple of finishers.
Great race and i hope it makes it back next year.