sorry to hear about your mom jos, i hope she pulls thru it... stay strong dude 

"Pain has been a daily thing, whether I sit or do something. So I have decided to do as much as I can. We took our dirt bikes out last week and rode on logging roads, Usually we would be on the trails. Joe and Andrew were very good sports, they rode behind me or way to the side so I would not be in thier dust. Sunday we took the boat out and did a little tubing. Again the guys were good sports. Normally the name of the tubing game is to swamp or toss the tubers. This was a mellow low bump ride. (A special thank you to Lisa Sigurdson for braving the cold puget sound with me!) I have to say that as sore as I was (am) from both of these days, they were also good breathing days. Having air forced into my lungs made me feel alive! Yesterday I mostly sat, today I'll probably mostly sit. I'll get by. And while I'm getting by I'm plotting the next adventure to live...."
Wow. Nice post.Hey Kris, You sound like a strong woman and a fun Mom! My Mom is currently going thru the exact same thing. Last month she finished a brutal round of radiation and chemo. This is her 2nd bout with Cancer. First was breast and a double masectomy. Now it is in her lungs and lymphs. Her scan is today. We find out how things are looking for her. I HATE CANCER! And I love and admire the strong people who fight it. It is good to see you living, or it least trying to. Filling your body with some life by getting out and doing something regardless of your terrible pain. Treatment is hard and takes so much from you. You stepped out to breath some fresh air and live a little by getting on the bike and boat. Something I wish my Mom would do. I think it would help her. But I know it is HARD for her. I couldnt even get her to eatI wish she rode, or got on a boat, or even would take a walk down the street but, nope, she just sits. I cant force her, but I just know something like a fresh breeze and a beautiful sunset on a walk would be good for her body and soul. Im looking for full time work now, but also Im waiting to find out what her status is. As I may be going back to AZ to drag her butt on a bucket list adventure of sort. Even if I have to dress her, drive her, and carry her out to a floating raft on a beautiful lake, or carry her to a chair at her favorite place on the beach in San Carlos, MX. I will do it!! I will make her favorite dish 100 times over if it makes her smile and embrace that day. Life is fragile, but humans are tuff! We ALL need to embrace life and make each day count no matter what your health is!! Every single day we need to find some pleasure in our days. Even if it is as simple as watching a butterfly land on a flower, a beautiful sunset, or the warm feelings of love created by the people around you. Even a silly post on DBA can change your day, if even for a moment. Your post has started my day. And I will be thinking of you a LOT! Simple things do matter, like hugs, laughter and your favorite food. Filling your body with things besides meds and pain. Positive energy and thoughts go very, very far and are very powerful! The human mind is the most powerful thing we have. FYI, I have another friend who was in stage 4, and is now is in remission and is doing very well
God bless you Kris! Stay strong! Continue to TRY. As I mentioned before, I will be thinking of you today. In fact, right now I am sending you a hug and a big dose of positive energy!! You are a strong woman, you are a strong woman, you are a strong woman who rides green ( because you know where it's at
) and you kick ass on Cancer!
Keep on kicking ass Kris
Because you ride green, and you are Jos's Mom, you are extra special in my book
Not doing so well right now, she was moved to the ICU last night.![]()
Not doing so well right now, she was moved to the ICU last night.![]()