Lets talk 85-100cc 2 Strokes

I had a 95 KX100 big wheel for my son n daughter. Got it used and never did any work on it til the top end finally wore out after we had it for 5-6 years. The 97 n older had no power valve. I then got my daughter an 02 KX100 big wheel. It has a PV. I had the cyl milled to lower port timing to give it more low end-mid, still revs to the moon. Added a FWW and geared down one tooth in the rear. Added a kick stand and alum skid plate. It works great for her 5-02 100lb size. Both bikes could be lugged down and neither have ever fouled a plug with stock jetting. They just work great.
I'm 5'1 and have the kx100(big wheel) fits PERFECT and I hear the 100's have a smoother power delivery which means a lot better for woods.
Yeah, you can rebuild a top end on one in about an hour for about $130, and you don't have to buy oil filters, and you don't have to adjust valves, and....oh wait those are good things :lol:
Honestly Bryce.... I would find a couple of CRF150f's... They are plenty fast when compared to the Grizzly and stuff... Hell even a TTR125 is fast unless you have alot of mtns to climb...
Just my take on it and since its a proven motor.... Good luck
:prof: RM85 all the way, has a power valve, case mounted reeds, enogh low end to get ya goin and enough top to be a bat out of hell, i ride only woods on mine and have ZERO problems and its geared 3 teeth higher on the rear (takes from low end) so if it was geared stock im sure it would pull GREAT on low end.

the KX100 sounds good but its not near as snappy as an 85, according to eric gorr you should ad an FMF exuast and porting to a KX100 to make it better, then only "bad" on the rm is that the fork oil wears quickly and the water pump impellor is made from plastic so if your hard as crap on it it can melt but iv never had a problem but if you wanted to you could put a boyesen super cooler on (about $200) and the impellor is aluminum plus it comes with a bigger water pump cover for better cooling.

my vote: RM85 FTW!!!!:thumb::thumb: