Nice!! Those lookout towers are so cool! I love riding to them. I went riding once and my riding buddy's bike wouldnt start. So I left him back at camp and went for a ride on this fire road that was gated. I was able to get around the gate. I also had a permit for the day and was given the code for the gate but it wasnt working. I went about 12 miles and ended up at this old, rusty lookout tower. I walked up about 3 stories on it till the butterflies were off the hook in my stomach. I was alone and it was surreal. Thought the tower was going to collapse. It doenst have walls or windows at the top, just a platform. Here are a couple of towers.
This is up in the LPNF and what a shame vandals have ruined it

It would have been a cool place to stay
You can see it was a neat little nest. Complete too. Until idiots had to ruin it all.
Here is one in Mammoth, CA. This one was attended. The attendant was a nice guy and gave some info and invited us in.
The view from the tower
Good RR Trav. Sorry you got sick. YUCK! Fumes, not enough water just a banana in your belly could be enough to do it. Love the view from up there. Not sure about barfing off the side. That must of been a nice change for the guy staying there.
Rock, that tower is amazing! Nestled on the rock and all with a view of those beautiful lakes. Very cool. I've heard you can reserve them or be a part of the volunteer program. Someday that would be something sort of cool to do. Get a few good books and spend a couple of days at one.