mixing gear oil??

Like I said, if your clutch is happy, everything else will be too. I don't think anyone can ride or keep one of these things long enought to wear out the gears. Primary gears take the biggest hit wearwise. I have yet to see one of them wear out that didnt have a crank case full of coolant.
I see now that you were commenting on the bikes coming home on trailers. At the time lots of people claimed it wouldn't hurt a thing. I just didn't know anyone that got a good result. Did you ever see the slick 50 demonstration with the little briggs and stratton engine?
I have found that a synth car auto trans fluid works real good in a 2 st gear box. Car auto transmissions are basically like a mc with a wet clutch. Makes finding neutral a little easier. I use Rotella T synth if I dont have the trans oil. Rekluse recommends non synth Rotella. Dont use a vegeatable oil, only use a mineral/dino oil. Too thick an oil will make a bike hard to start in very cold temps.