My Black Friday Ride Report!

I was lucky enough to go riding at Chappie OHV park near Shasta Lake on Friday. It was a good days worth of riding and really made me appreciate the riding areas I have closer to me that are all covered in snow right now. The trails are rocky and or slimy clay and the ground was frozen in a few places. Also hit a section of frozen snow about 6" deep going over a pass to get to more low elevation trails.
All in all it was a great ride. I had no dirt naps and was able to stand most of the day. At one point in the day I came around a tight switchback to find two people with bikes laying right in my way. Well, I feel bad but I used them for traction and cleaned the hill. My foot feels 100% now and I was even jumping a couple small doubles on the trails. Still don't have my camera but did get some helmet cam footage.
I also forgot to add the story of the staging area bafoon when we got back to the truck and the fact that one of the guys we were with broke his shoulder blade on the ride. I knew he went down hard but had no idea it was that bad.

Anyway we get back to the trucks for lunch and beers and this guy pulls a pile of dead manzanita out of the bushes, pours gasoline all over it and then hands his 10 year old boy a box of matches.

Well, needless to say the poor boy no longer has any eyebrows and his whole face is red.

His dad tried to play it off like it was no big deal while about 20 people give him the stink eye.

I hope the bastard finally feels like a jackass in the end but we were pissed about the whole expereince.
Awesome ride! Those trails looked pretty sweet and the dirt looked lovely.

But, what heavy contraption are you riding? Thing looks like a hog.
Awesome ride! Those trails looked pretty sweet and the dirt looked lovely.

But, what heavy contraption are you riding? Thing looks like a hog.

LOL, it is a tank. It's a DRZ400S model 07 with a four gallon IMS tank on it. The thing weighs about 330 lbs. when full of fuel. Great bike! Everyone else on lighter bikes had dirt naps that day. Except for the guy on the 650R that broke his shoulder.
LOL, it is a tank. It's a DRZ400S model 07 with a four gallon IMS tank on it. The thing weighs about 330 lbs. when full of fuel. Great bike! Everyone else on lighter bikes had dirt naps that day. Except for the guy on the 650R that broke his shoulder.

Good gravy! Hell, I gotta give it to you if can control that thing. Which you can, obviously. :thumb: Is it DS?

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