James. I think that is cool... to a point. If you look at a lot people today in the mainstream society, they walk through a lot of life focusing on their multi-media devices with ear-buds oblivious to real life. You can smack them in the head with a baseball bat and most wouldn't know WTF happened until they came too! It bugs me that whatever they are tuned into is more interesting than the life that surrounds them. It's like their own thoughts aren't good enough to pass the time of day...
I like a nice cup of coffee in the morning and I make breakfast in my boxers and don't want to have every neuron in my brain focused on every facet of the world and everyone I know at 6:00am. Or any other time for that matter!
That future James better be by choice! If I touch things in my house, I don't want them to schpeil me multi-media bullshit! If they do, I'm going to need a bigger hammer. Because you know it will be rife with advertising and skewed with things tailored to what you like based on your most frequent downloads.
I'm not opinionated!
I'm with ya Buck. But, did you have to go there, now I've got this image in my head that's going to be there all day.