You got a mouthguard, your teeth should be finePro Taper Evos!!! Dude they might be a bit pricey, but they areeee awweeeeesommee!! Dont bend, and now cross bar to take your teeth out
You got a mouthguard, your teeth should be finePro Taper Evos!!! Dude they might be a bit pricey, but they areeee awweeeeesommee!! Dont bend, and now cross bar to take your teeth out
If you want a taller, narrower bed (great for woods), check out the pastrana fmx bend.
I can vouch for magura s.x. bars personally, as I have extensively crash tested them
If you want a taller, narrower bed (great for woods), check out the pastrana fmx bend.
I can vouch for magura s.x. bars personally, as I have extensively crash tested them
Once the bars are bent arent you supposed to just go buy a new bike?
I would buy Answer Pro models considering they withstood a 60mph cartwheel on me once..... I currently have Renthals that are really great and durable as well.
I also havent seen Answer bars in a few yrs either...
Moose, Renthal (what I currently have), Pro tapper, Tag, Fly or MSR
Which one of these listed should I go back with?
I ride trail and MX.
How much were those I think I need a pair now