New here

Hi I'm new here I ride a very fast 2004 CRF150F stage 3 hotcams weisco pistons bore to a 175 FMF powercore 2 exhaust and some other odds and ends. My Refferer was AgentOrange I found about the site by a flier he posted in the school and it said say AgentOrange Reffered you so..... bye

Agent orange. get your friend to post up. Welcome.
But but it's a Ford Fiesta, why wouldn't you care? :pout:
I guess since you aren't Rez, and aren't all up into grammar, he owes a Fiesta. I wonder who he owes it to. Was it a bet he lost, or it's going to be some sort of payback for someone who wronged him? :smirk:


Staff member
I guess since you aren't Rez, and aren't all up into grammar, he owes a Fiesta. I wonder who he owes it to. Was it a bet he lost, or it's going to be some sort of payback for someone who wronged him? :smirk:

BTW I'm guessing you didn't see "his" other post before I nuked it? Like WTF, you'd think that they'd be a little smarter in their replies. :noidea:
Hey thanks for writing that to us and i am damn sure that the university would never find it and girls please carry on with your work .hey congrats for the project keep doing the same way and proceed ,by the way what was the project about .

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