New Member! -How Is This Bike? Any Tips?-


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And that 2 strokes are tougher to maintain and have more problems. Was I mis-informed? :shocked:

That is certainly not true. 2Ts have far less moving components. And almost zero maintenance.... Clean airfilter, change the .7 liter of trans oil, premix accurately.

As far as 'which is cheaper to maintain,' is debatable. Definitely.

Wide ratio transmissions are "better" for those who want to shift less often.
MX riders like close ratio transmissions so that they can always be in all the power, all the time. That's awesome, but not useful on the trails.
Trail riders like to just cruise in one or two gears. To each his own.

I think it depends on what you like. 4Ts are instantly fun. 2Ts are an acquired taste and once you get it...


-BIG DAN:thumb:
No those are not two strokes,,,

and What? sorry you were way mis-informed. A smoker is super easy to maintain and work on and have no more problems than any other bike. They can be finiky to jet if you live in areas of the world that has ever changing climates and elevations but that is still not that big of deal once you get them worked out.

In our area we have the most stable climate of anywhere really. Jetting is super easy.
Those are 4 strokes. The xc-w is wide ratio. The sx-f is close ratio but has an auto clutch making it better for woods. Personally I'd ride either one any day in the woods.

Oh and keep in mind I am 6'2". Will those bikes fit me fine? That's the reason I was looking at such a big bike to begin with. I don't want to feel crouched up when riding!
I know lots of guys who thought they needed a 450 for their 1st bikes......most of them regretted their decisions. They couldn't understand how their hulking 50hp 450cc bike could get dusted by a "weak 200" on every ride.