Good seeing you WS, Leilani (I know I spelt that wrong) and Rhino Roof. Sorry again to hear about Lei's father.

Hope you guys had a great New Year's. We spent NY's eve, about 6 miles up the Fish Creek wash area, then goated a mile uphill to check out the Wind Caves with the kids. Was pretty cool, great view of the mud hills and badlands up there. Would be a cool place to ride, if you're plated. We did a few putts to Pumpkin Patch, Reef, Gas Domes, Travertine area, Blu Inn, the Door, etc., but with the holiday weekend, a large group and kids, was hard to fit in much of anything else. No injuries at our camp, my 3rd trip out since my surgery ~ knee did well... it's all good.
I saw a portion of the new Oco map while at Pumpkin Patch. They opened up 10,000 new acres to Oco, around the Truckhaven/S22 area. Haven't ridden much out that way, could be something to check out. The revised map will be out in 3 weeks.
Happy New Year to All!!