Project "BBD"

My dad took one of our other trucks, a kenworth through the drive thru at mcdonalds once upon a time, I was really little, he bought me a happy meal, it was awesome. this one to be exact.

How did that fit in a drive thru :lol:
When that strap or cable breaks, it will send that hook flying. It happens all too often.

Ya gotsta know when to stop trying to pull.... if it aint budgin then ya stop... if it's got some give to it, keep tryin. Spoken like a true professional! :prof:.... :devil:
Here, read this:

Yes, its from a few years ago, I dont feel like digging up any of the other threads.
Not too long ago a video was posted of a hook coming off a shitty tow point and killing two bystanders. Vehicle recoveries are dangerous, dont stack the odds against yourself any more than you need to.

If you can reach the vehicle with the cable, find another way. Dont attach two cables/tow straps together with a heavy metal projectile.