Ragen Toy Hauler

In dead you look at them on the conservative side. Most numbnuts overload the hell out of what they have and wonder why the tranni blew on the towing rig. Or they hammer down the road at 70mph and wonder why the brakes faded on the long decent. Knuckle fuggs!!

Tranny blows
Engine overheats
Brakes fail
Axle brakes
Genny should be run for at least one hour under load (AC) and at least once a month. Take it from someone who has never had a problem, is 9 years old, has 3000+ hours on it and always changes the oil. :thumb:
I have failed. I change the oil every other year (bad) and I do not run it more than when I go out and use it and that thing runs like a swiss watch all the time. :noidea:
Just remember that there are two kinds of generators. The "real" kind like is installed on most RV's will last the longest if you take Bruce's advice. Sitting for months allow bad things to happen. Still 3000 trouble free hours is pretty good. If it's one of the cheap portable gen sets it will die long before 3000 hours no matter what you do. You will be lucky to see 500 hours no matter what you do.
Just remember that there are two kinds of generators. The "real" kind like is installed on most RV's will last the longest if you take Bruce's advice. Sitting for months allow bad things to happen. Still 3000 trouble free hours is pretty good. If it's one of the cheap portable gen sets it will die long before 3000 hours no matter what you do. You will be lucky to see 500 hours no matter what you do.
I read online somewhere (must be true right) that if the higher end ones like my Onan are well taken care of, they can go 10000 hours. I will never get there, but nice to know.
I picked up a Yamaha 2000 and put some break in hours on it out in the dez. Ran my rolling cottage with no issues and very quite. I may look into adding the electric start feature to it.
Just remember that there are two kinds of generators. The "real" kind like is installed on most RV's will last the longest if you take Bruce's advice. Sitting for months allow bad things to happen. Still 3000 trouble free hours is pretty good. If it's one of the cheap portable gen sets it will die long before 3000 hours no matter what you do. You will be lucky to see 500 hours no matter what you do.
ill be h appy to get 500 hours out of my harbor frieghts genny.

and rez... bad timing in my life right now or we might have picked that up from you :(
I read online somewhere (must be true right) that if the higher end ones like my Onan are well taken care of, they can go 10000 hours. I will never get there, but nice to know.
My onan 5500 now has 725 hours. Purchased the trailer in 2008.
You need pics of the trailer up here, so we can help you sell it...:prof:

Well, I'll see what I can do... it is one of the 2 or 3 floor plans that I've seen of any/all bumper pulls with a front bedroom... they really begin to change on 5th wheels...

Here's a documented view of the trailer when entering from the cargo door..

Queen bed on gas shocks overhead... windows at head and feet
Flip up couch/bed on left with cabinets overhead.. window
Flip up nook/bed on right with shelves and opening for TV. window
12' cargo space up to stove on left with microwave over head, tank, W/H, Gen switches and monitor panel over stove.
Entry door on right
Gages, light switches and audio system on wall next to door
Kitchen sink with cabinets below and overhead
Down the hall
Closet on the left with drawer below
Bath sink on left with shelves below and med cab above
Bathroom on the right, sleves above toilet with FAT GUY shower
Queen (front) bed with wrap around cabinets overhead and shlkef at head of bed.

4 roof vents in open area
1 vent/fan in bath
All vents have vent covers to allow for traveling while open or when windy/raining
Antennae for TV above door, No idea what to say about it... I've never used it
Roof access ladder on front
Overhead lights on all sides
Fuel station towards rear of trailer... can't remember how many gallons it holds... 25-30 I think. Seldom used since puling iinto the station was a PITA and seldom using the gen, i just used utility jugs (NOT gas cans.. :naughty:)

I wil try and get pictures of it this weekend... until then... see above!! :wave:

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