Random Dirt Bike Riding Videos/Pictures

I was like WTF? I thought at first, damn this dude was out cold and guys are just jumping right over top of him... then that one dude went and picked up his go pro and said here is your camera... then I realized it wasn't him on the track just his camera and he was getting help the whole time.
Ah, that's better :thumb:
i like how he gave the video a very stupid name yet gets 20,000 views. i put discriptive tittles in my videos and get like 20 views after a month. of course, his video is alot more spectacular than mine


Staff member
i like how he gave the video a very stupid name yet gets 20,000 views. i put discriptive tittles in my videos and get like 20 views after a month. of course, his video is alot more spectacular than mine
That's because it went "viral".
View attachment 8046

For all the Gold fish crew check out these new fox boots!!
Or these....