Random News

this is the dumb fucks that other dumb fucks voted for to run us... :picard:
“I will tell you these are ammunition, they’re bullets, so the people who have those now they’re going to shoot them, so if you ban them in the future, the number of these high capacity magazines is going to decrease dramatically over time because the bullets will have been shot and there won’t be any more available.”

this dumb bitch dont even know how a guns works... she thinks clips are disposable these days.


Staff member
this dumb bitch dont even know how a guns works... she thinks clips are disposable these days.
Clips are disposable, magazines are not.

Edit: I should note that you technically can reuse clips (providing that the little tabs aren't broken off) but they're designed to be discarded.

Difference between a clip and magazine - http://xdind.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/clip-vs-magazine.jpg

“The Congresswoman has been working on a high-capacity assault magazine ban for years, and has been deeply involved in the issue; she simply misspoke in referring to ‘magazines’ when she should have referred to ‘clips,’ which cannot be reused because they don’t have a feeding mechanism,” Johnson said. “Quite frankly, this is just another example of opponents of common-sense gun violence prevention trying to manipulate the facts to distract from the critical issue of keeping our children safe and keeping killing machines out of the hands of disturbed individuals. It’s more political gamesmanship that stands in the way of responsible solutions.”
This says to me that no she didn't know the difference and now they're backtracking and trying to save themselves from looking like complete idiots. The size of clips is irrelevant because as her own spokesperson said "she should have referred to ‘clips,’ which cannot be reused because they don’t have a feeding mechanism" clips don't have a feeding mechanism and still need to be loaded into a magazine.
Clips are disposable, magazines are not.

Edit: I should note that you technically can reuse clips (providing that the little tabs aren't broken off) but they're designed to be discarded.

Difference between a clip and magazine - http://xdind.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/clip-vs-magazine.jpg

This says to me that no she didn't know the difference and now they're backtracking and trying to save themselves from looking like complete idiots. The size of clips is irrelevant because as her own spokesperson said "she should have referred to ‘clips,’ which cannot be reused because they don’t have a feeding mechanism" clips don't have a feeding mechanism and still need to be loaded into a magazine.

She referrd to them as "magazine clips"... so she was right/wrong either way. :stirthepot:


Staff member
So it's your states fault.......:rant:
Hey this state is red with the exception of the [welfare] people in the big cities (South Bend, Indy, etc.). Not much unlike how Cali is. :bonk:
