Yeah... at first I couldn't see the images on the screen... once I put them on it was like VOILA.... hey, THAT'S what that is....

something like 23 years ago when i was in Jr high i took shop. my fav part of that class was the jewlery making. we were able to order wax rings and whatevers then we had to cast a mold and were allowed to use a cintrifical force box to inject the molten metal into the casts. So i ordered what i thought was the most bad ass ring in the catalog. well yesterday my moms hubby was going though the basement and found this....
i owe him a burger for finding it... super stoked to have this little treasure from one of my best childhood memorys
Gives ME a weather boner. Nice pic.For SPRAD................
View attachment 17553
Lightning flashes behind an air traffic control tower at McCarran International Airport in Las Vegas on Aug. 18. Thunderstorms swept across the area, prompting the National Weather Service to issue flash-flood warnings
A coworker told me about this that morning... he said the suspects actually told the police that they were bored! No idea how acfcurate that was because he also heard them say it was 2 black guys and 1 white guy... and shot the kid with a 30-06 rifle!