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Then you walk round the corner to this!

And obviously at the end of this old repro old school Glasgow street you find this!!

L555 BAT The late great Colin Macrae's WRC winning Scooby.
and to quote this very mad mental Scotsman " If in doubt - FLAT OUT "
RIP Colin Macrae who died flying his helicopter home with his young son and his two friends!
[URL=http://s1080.photobucket.com/user/CR250RK/media/DSC00810.jpg.html] [/URL]
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This is the kinda mad stuff that my bro comes up with after a few beers and too many bike and trike bits lying around :pothead:!

In case you're wondering it's a 85 Honda ATC70 chassis and rear end with a 83 ATC110 front end with rentals and a little sprinkling of 2003 XR100R!Unfortunateyly he never made it run but in hindsight could easily have made brackets to drop the engine and ran an extra sprocket mid chain to clear gear peg and mounts but it was a good laugh putting it together anyway!
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Then you walk round the corner to this!

And obviously at the end of this old repro old school Glasgow street you find this!!

L555 BAT The late great Colin Macrae's WRC winning Scooby.
and to quote this very mad mental Scotsman " If in doubt - FLAT OUT "
RIP Colin Macrae who died flying his helicopter home with his young son and his two friends!
[URL=http://s1080.photobucket.com/user/CR250RK/media/DSC00810.jpg.html] [/URL]

sideways is the way forward! so drop the clutch and keep in touch!