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and to think (roughly) 10 years ago my oldest daughter would have been working on one of those (carriers) in the control tower. Passed everything (especially the apptitude test) EXCEPT for the internal medical. She was "OK'd" by the commanding officer for having an arthritic knee due to her app scores being so high however she was rejected for being "lactose intolerant". I am sure they have special arrangements for individuals such as her NOW, I know they do for individuals that are overweight...
and to think (roughly) 10 years ago my oldest daughter would have been working on one of those (carriers) in the control tower. Passed everything (especially the apptitude test) EXCEPT for the internal medical. She was "OK'd" by the commanding officer for having an arthritic knee due to her app scores being so high however she was rejected for being "lactose intolerant". I am sure they have special arrangements for individuals such as her NOW, I know they do for individuals that are overweight...
I had high hopes of being able to work or fly rather, for the navy when I graduated high school. About 2 months after I got my acceptance letter for ROTC I got a medical DQ in the form of type 1 diabetes, not the type you get from being fat and generally unhealthy either. Still kinda bums me out that I didn't get to at least try and wound up working the family business instead.
No military money kinda made college a bit harder too.