Nice pics . Is that Travace in the second pic?
no you would see a lot of hair sticking out the bottom of the helmet if it was me.
Nice pics . Is that Travace in the second pic?
So you would see a lot of hair sticking out the bottom of the helmet if it was me.
like you would see a lot of hair sticking out the bottom of the helmet if it was me.
J-Law has a beard? Damn must be the "prison scene" wearing off on J-Law.
I'll let him answer that.Oh I though he meant that he has long hair.
people pay good money to get a mud bath like that, he might have come out of the day ahead.
Here's a sunset at Sand Mountain, not sure how it'll look after the 'Bucket has its way with it. We were rewarded with this prime weather after enduring a gnarly sandstorm the prior day.
just cruising on my ex-CRFX
this is how we rolled on one trip, you can tell we're big league hitters. We had a grand time sitting out the weather in this palace of opulence. the door wasn't hanging so hot after we got through with it- alas, it was to be the 'Bago's last journey.
BTW Congrats TWS you created the most popular thread.