RM250 rm250 starting issues

Yeppp!! Speaking of blue. .... I'm having head pipe blues. No silencers are being made for a 94 anymore. So i'm just going to have to start emailing everyone till i find one in stock. :cry:
Just because the website says they have a headpipe for my bike, doesn't mean they actually have it. I've ordered 6 different headpipes that said they had it in stock. And i've emailed another 3. And i just emailed 2 more.

I have been "searching around" since thursday :prof:
Just because the website says they have a headpipe for my bike, doesn't mean they actually have it. I've ordered 6 different headpipes that said they had it in stock. And i've emailed another 3. And i just emailed 2 more.

I have been "searching around" since thursday :prof:

Well do you want a head pipe or silencer?

Id be willing to bet that what ever pipe FMF makes for a 95, 96, and maybe 97 will fit your bike.
Head pipe now.. I've already got the new silencer..

And add another not in stock to the list ... phatperformance.com... Listed they had a FMF and a Pro Circuit in stock... but they cant get either one :( They can get a pro circuit pipe in a number of weeks, But they seemed really cool. They were the only place that put some time into searching for one.
Head pipe now.. I've already got the new silencer..

And add another not in stock to the list ... phatperformance.com... Listed they had a FMF and a Pro Circuit in stock... but they cant get either one :( They can get a pro circuit pipe in a number of weeks, But they seemed really cool. They were the only place that put some time into searching for one.

Thats where I buy my tires