I remember this now. Nobody wanted to get near her. How did you finally get her home to wash her without getting it all over everything?Long story but she likes to roll in Human ass.If you get the point! Tim found this out the easy way.
I remember this now. Nobody wanted to get near her. How did you finally get her home to wash her without getting it all over everything?Long story but she likes to roll in Human ass.If you get the point! Tim found this out the easy way.
I remember this now. Nobody wanted to get near her. How did you finally get her home to wash her without getting it all over everything?
I washed her the same day in Camp.
After I got a handful of used Taco Bell.
I think i drank it already......
What road crossing does your buddy live by...Joshua Tree and Half Mile or Star Bright or ??? I know we've been by there a number of times...there's one guy that hs an old buggy out front with a dummy in the seat (I think)