Pro SPEED channel sucks!!!!!!!

He only has up to round 8 so far, but thx man..... Poto got crowned with the #1 plate tonight, bubba went down on lap 6 of main and DNF, don't think K-Dub was in main cause crash in heat.... And roczen finally got 1st in Lite's.

You know that some people don't want to know the results until they actually watch the race. It's poor etiquette to write a post like this.


Staff member
They did telecast more live races this year than ever before!
Yes this season had the most LIVE events ever. :ride:
Sorry my bad cleonard, and everyone else that I may have ticked off. It was stupid to say the least.
:foul: Damn you! :lol: Just kidding.

We used to have a spoiler tag thingy for this type of stuff, I'll see if I can get it back.
K, so I got a reply from an email I sent to SPEED asking what's up with the partial is the response I got today........

The sanctioning body for Supercross decided they want so races in more households so they negotiated a deal with another network (CBS) to cover 4 or 5 races a year. They give (sell) speed the rights for the rest of the events which we carry LIVE. Hope this explains it.

I take all the slams back :( it seems to be the SX doing this to us.