Amatuer Team Panda rides across Nevada

So, 11th, 13:48:48. Subtract a minimum of 40 minutes from that time gets you 10th. 40 minutes seems like not enough for what you did with number 45, which was at the end of the race. How much energy did you spend on that bike, when you have already ridden 410 miles? And on the first bike that you helped, your tracker was working, so I know you were sitting there for about 30 minutes. Timo’s adjusted time, puts you at ninth. A solid top 10 finish is more than excellent for your first time attempt.
We really should, scratch that, Sean should have went to the awards last night. I don’t know if they have a goodwill racer award, but I will lay all the money in my bank accounts on the number 44.
So, 11th, 13:48:48. Subtract a minimum of 40 minutes from that time gets you 10th. 40 minutes seems like not enough for what you did with number 45, which was at the end of the race. How much energy did you spend on that bike, when you have already ridden 410 miles? And on the first bike that you helped, your tracker was working, so I know you were sitting there for about 30 minutes. Timo’s adjusted time, puts you at ninth. A solid top 10 finish is more than excellent for your first time attempt.

There were around 20 in the class right?
Stop #1 was my buddy chris's team mate with a broken back, but liz was already with him, and apparently shes the reason hes still alive, so i think she gets the sportsman award. Stop # 2 was lizs friend stalled on a big hill just as the trucks were catching us, rode to the top of the hill, walked back down, rode her bike up for her, went on my way

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