Amatuer Team Panda rides across Nevada

the racing trax (tracker) was a bit more expensive than the mint tracker, $265 total, no worries though, as I' get paid tomorrow/this weekend, it also has a few options such as texting pit crews and texts for family/friends, but its like $22 a line and .25 a text
Front forks have been rebuilt (traded my buddy some beer for it, he's a factory trained tech) rear shock is off and going to the shop, all chassis points have been greased, will pull the motor next weekend and rebuild it

also kinda figured out why the bars failed the way they did, the 50mm bolts that were in there (either the genius of gpr or an average who ought not) barely threaded into the clamps despite there being plenty of room for a longer bolt, ordered some 70mm

VHF radio frequencies fall in the 30 to 300MHz range. Compared to UHF, VHF waves have much longer wavelengths. This increase in wavelengths makes radios operating in this range more suitable for mountain use. This is because these longer waves are better suited for dealing with changes in terrain elevation and give your signal more range compared to UHF.

If you are around a lot of ridgelines, canyons, or any other terrain features that means a lot of different and rapid changes in sightline than a VHF signal is going to give you the most range.

And even though VHF is more widely used commercially, in mountainous terrain that is isolated, you’re not going to have to worry about a lot of traffic. There are certain bandwidths within this frequency range that will require a license, and we will cover this in its section, but there are options out there for two-way radios in this range that won?t cost you extra in fees.

This might be good for the bike. Basically from what I've seen, is 1 watt equals 1 mile. That is transmission range, you'll hear what ever our range is.

All kinds of 40, and 50 watt units out there.
Are you going to be chasing him cos 50 miles range leaves a 30 mile black spot between pits no? :noidea:
I really don't know btw Timo, you've done the research but isn't it 80 mile pits point to point?
Obviously these are a tonne better than anything mentioned before but will it work out there in the desert?:noidea:
There's also the apps wives use to track their kids /(husbands) mobile phone and whatsapp video calls which have worked everywhere I've ever used it high low or inside between slabs of concrete, add these with a mobile hot spot on Sean's phone and jobsagoodun?