Tempur-Pedic Mattress


Staff member
Anybody have one? http://www.tempurpedic.com/

I used to sleep on my stomach but because of the collarbone I can't anymore. So now I "hurt" all over and can't fall asleep for awhile. :bonk: I've talked to some people who swear by them, but $1,500-$3,500 is a lot of money for a bed.

Are they worth it?
when i stayed at PBK's house they have one and they are awesome... right now i have a sleep by numbers and it sucks. i usually fall asleep on the couch.

I would say they are worth it and as soon as i can afford one ill upgrade.
In previous injuries I would use the pain pills during the day while I had to. After the pain subsided I used them to fall asleep. I have a hard enough time falling asleep normally.
The pain from an injury just makes it that much harder.

Mattresses are like tires. Just because someone says it's the greatest, it doesn't mean it will work for you.
I've talked to some people who swear by them, but $1,500-$3,500 is a lot of money for a bed.
Probably been cheaper just to stay on the bike. :P

Are they worth it?

I slept on one once... Woke up the next day and felt like someone beat the sh*t out of me. Maybe my body just wasn't used to it.

Mattresses are like tires. Just because someone says it's the greatest, it doesn't mean it will work for you.
+1. I sleep on a "pillow" top matress, made be Simmons (not a paid endorsement). I sleep like a baby. No really, I do... I drool and all. :smirk:


Staff member
So I ended up going to Mattress Warehouse and ordering the Cloud mattress set, should be here Monday. :banana: I was laying on one for awhile, I so did not want to get up. :foul:

Probably been cheaper just to stay on the bike. :P
:lol: Ya think

No this has been on my "list" for a while, this just moved it up. :bonk:
I slept on one once... Woke up the next day and felt like someone beat the sh*t out of me. Maybe my body just wasn't used to it.
:lol: :noidea:
Hopefully I won't feel that way, yeah it could be that, you did just sleep on it for one night.
+1. I sleep on a "pillow" top matress, made be Simmons (not a paid endorsement). I sleep like a baby. No really, I do... I drool and all. :smirk:
Probably been cheaper just to stay on the bike. :P

I slept on one once... Woke up the next day and felt like someone beat the sh*t out of me. Maybe my body just wasn't used to it.

+1. I sleep on a "pillow" top matress, made be Simmons (not a paid endorsement). I sleep like a baby. No really, I do... I drool and all. :smirk:

You mean you wake up every couple of hours crapping, pissing and crying? :smirk:


Staff member
Well I've slept on it for a week now, so figured that I'd better give an update. Slow you were right the first night sucked and so did the second. But now, oh man good luck taking it away from me. :smirk: It just forms to your body (like a :hug:), but it isn't like a piece of foam as it's still firm.

So after a week I have no regrets.

BTW I'm typing this while I'm in bed. :P
Well I've slept on it for a week now, so figured that I'd better give an update. Slow you were right the first night sucked and so did the second. But now, oh man good luck taking it away from me. :smirk: It just forms to your body (like a :hug:), but it isn't like a piece of foam as it's still firm.

So after a week I have no regrets.

BTW I'm typing this while I'm in bed. :P
I've had mine for like 4 years now and it was the best at first i would go to sleep and be in the same spot when i woke up it was awsome but after a few years they don't work quite as well and now i move around a lot. i think i will get another just so i can get those first few years out of it cuz its the best when there new .:thumb:
You know when you see the advertisement of the chick jumping up and down and the glass of wine on the bed doesn't spill? Run this mattress by your GF before you commit! Just sayin!:thumb:

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