Do you see us standing on the white lines on the freeway sayin' oh look dude there's an 18 wheeler with pigs in it!!!
And if the people that build and operate the freeway system had a good percentage of the idiot public standing on the white lines calling out 18 wheelers trailer content we would fire those designers and managers of the freeways and get someone more competent to manage the clowns.
REZ is right... people will be people... which is to say they will be idiots. So when you run an event you better be prepared to deal with the idiot factor or GET OUT OF THE BUSINESS ! You don't have the same issues with the other desert race promoters in the US. You only find this kind of nonsense in Mexico and when the under funded local boys put on a race here.
I love that the Lynns loved local racing and supported it so. I just wish SOMEONE would hold responsible the people that set the course and wave the green flags sending vehicles rocketing through unmanaged crowds of people... that will be people !
Anyway I have said my piece. Rest in Peace Mr Lynn. Speedy recovery Mrs Lynn. Long live SlashX & responsible desert racing !