250 The 1999 YZ250

Man those Dunlops are difficult to work with. I had to cut the bead wire to get the old one off, and it took me any my neighbor over an hour to get the new one on. Looks good though, lots of meat.

So back to this question - The right side chain adjuster is frozen solid. I heated it with a torch but that didn't do shit. So today I drilled an 1/8" hole into the top of it and sprayed a bunch of PB Blaster down it. If this doesn't work, is my only option another swing-arm?
I thought maybe I could flush-cut the bolt, then drill it and re-tap. Anybody here tried this before?
Yeah it dawned on me this morning (literally) before I got out of bed that I would still need to drill it. I wonder if that part comes with a larger diameter bolt? Otherwise I'm looking at a heli-coil as well...

I'm gonna spray it down once more with the blaster, then heat it with my oxy/acetylene torch and give it one last shot. I only used my propane torch on it yesterday.
Forget those, I just remembered your axle blocks in the swing arm are 5mm fatter than the 02 up swing arm. There is another fix kit though. Also if you could get the nut off and not cut flush, you could install the nut that is about 20mm long, and thread those, not that.
Its all boogered up now, the vice-grips came out after stripping the nut and bolt head. Problem with that is once I get it clamped down, I'm only left with 1/32nd of an inch between the swing-arm and the tool. Not enough to bust it loose.

Oh, and a note-to-self moment; next time try the oxy/acetylene torch before spraying it with PB Blaster. Turns out that shit is flammable! Who'da thunk! :shocked: :facepalm::bonk:
I'm probably gonna end up afro-engineering a custom sized block of wood to fix it.

Flush cut the bolt, put the chain and tire on, get it all lined up and nice nice, then measure the gap, cut a piece of mahogany, and hold it in place with some 100mph tape, and torque that axle bolt to 80 ft. lbs and be done with it. Blammy.
Right now I weigh about 190 lbs, and that is about the max I ever get. In the summer I'll be 180.
Took the YZ to the track today and was bottoming out the forks all day.
Should I re-spring the forks? If so, what springs are recommended, and how will that change the rest of the bikes handling?

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