Wow, life gets in the way!
My fkn psycho ex is back to her old tricks again and I've been dealing with being sued in family court by her all week (the 22nd time in 13 years), so I back-burnered this, but were going to the track again tomorrow.
So, last Saturday, got to the track and immediately fouled the old br8es plug, was soaking wet. Threw in the new br7 plug and ran it all day.
It still runs rich and has that not-clean on top snotty sound to it, and when I pulled the plug it was still darkish in color, but not soaking wet.
I have been noticing some puddling on the floor under my rear sprocket. Stuck my finger in it (and I'm colorblind) but pretty sure it Yamalube.
The only place I can figure it's coming from is the airbox.
What are the chances I'm way over oiling the air filter and thats what my problem is?
Anybody else ever do this?