The cat's ass! In Ohio! We can only hunt with a shotgun, muzzleloader, or pistol in deer season.
I choose the muzzie! I shoot a .45 cal in-line with 209 ignition. It's a one shot deal! That's the way I like it! One shot, one kill! I will pass up many shots, MANY shots that can be questionable, until I sit an find the exact right one!
I shoot my muzzie until I can shoot the "B" out of a Budweiser can at 100 yds!
I sat in a super spot for 3 mornings and evening sessions watching herds of freezer nappers until I found the perfect shot! Sunday morning at 7:30 am. Straight on at around 90 yards looking at me, me on my ass with the gun propped on my knees and perfectly steady.... I placed the crosshairs between the would be a clean miss or a slam dunk. I squeezed the trigger lightly....Fuc' k n BOOOOOOOM! Large cloud of white smoke! (150grains of powder makes a big whoosh!

I saw nothing move or run! I knew that was a fantabulous practiced shot that was just was I was looking for! Thats why I shoot a muzzleloader!
It was beautious! The big doe felt NOTHING as most of her brain and head exploded. She dropped like a bag of hammers! That's a good kill! I like that! That's the way I like to hunt!
I dragged her down the hill and put her in the back of the pickup and went to camp. I hauled her up on the meat pole and took everything out I didn't want to eat.
I pared out the tenderloins, and fried them up (still warm) in bacon grease, mushrooms, onions, and fresh garlic! It totally rocked! The rest of her will feed me thoughout the year!
Is that awesome or what? I feed myself off my own land!