The Official DBA Members Quote Thread

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[7-12, 01:54 PM] jeremymach2015: i hope mike is reading this
[07-12, 01:54 PM] jeremymach2015: haha
[07-12, 01:54 PM] jackson409: then its all my fault cause there was car that was leaving from behind my camper and Mike said who is that, I looked and it looked like your mom so I said that is J-machs mom and he said damn she is hot
[07-12, 01:52 PM] jeremymach2015: nope she didnt
[07-12, 01:52 PM] jackson409: she she never came back after she dropped you of
read from bottom to top
[7-12, 01:54 PM] jeremymach2015: i hope mike is reading this
[07-12, 01:54 PM] jeremymach2015: haha
[07-12, 01:54 PM] jackson409: then its all my fault cause there was car that was leaving from behind my camper and Mike said who is that, I looked and it looked like your mom so I said that is J-machs mom and he said damn she is hot
[07-12, 01:52 PM] jeremymach2015: nope she didnt
[07-12, 01:52 PM] jackson409: she she never came back after she dropped you of


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