fuck you edison... and your bullshit intermediate light bulb base
fuck you edison... and your bullshit intermediate light bulb base
I hit powerband and jizzed.
I showed them all off to my daughters boyfriend. He asked me if I knew where Randsburg is. And when I said yes he acted amazed. Then I told him I had been there many times before you were even born. So, I asked him if he new where rainbow basin is, or coper city. He said no, I said good... Keep it that way you little prick!
Probably goes the same for guys with small dicks and hot girlfriends; it's not what you got, it's how you use it.
I know that struggle
For a thread where we know what were talking about please see the one entitled "beer"
I have not the funds for someone else to pump my boinger.... Plus, I like to fidget and learn!
Buy a manual
No Mikey, the correct response would have been I downloaded one off of the interwebz.
He did a total rebuild, then it blew up.I asked my friends father who used to fix oldsmobiles and we hooked up an oscilloscope and we found out that it's not starting. I ordered a manual for a 73 Elsinore because it looks similar to my 97 ktm 250 that I bought for $300. Guy said he did a total rebuild
I'm laying my junk on a cold aluminum stand and taking a pic.