Naturaledge:I'm not saying the house I grew up in was small but, the front and the back door were on the same hinge.......
Rezrider:Time to go act stupid off some jumps!
v757b:I once went to cook ramen noodles and fogot to add the noodles.
James, What's that green piece of crap b/t the truck and trailer? Cow dung?
CDA:This is where I can say I am really fast, becuase I can't prove myself wrong
Rock Monster:I bet I could line up about 5 people and jump over them going donw the geekslide.
CDA:I was thinking, that I could go up the slide and pop off the top lip, 180 the bike in air and come down in a no hander
Rock Monster:I think I could do it with Weathergeek on the back of my bike.
CDA:I could snatch rack's camera out of his hand while in my 180, hit him with my back tire, and take dirt nap of Rack falling down the slide
CDA:Also i will have short stack, I mean james in my backpack
Yeah, I was laughing pretty hard when we talked about that..
How do you quote people from the chatbox and then paste it in here?
That was funny crap.
My wife told me to put the hardest thing I got where she pee' I dropped my bowling ball in the toilet and asked what's for dinner...
Oh man this was from the chat box had to post
NaturalEdge:I give mad props to anyone who grabs their junk on stage for two hours straight......