[05-19, 06:09 AM] Mihylo33: change today or at 18 yrs old you will be selling handjobs at the local truckstop to lonely men
[05-19, 06:09 AM] bobkyle2: I still love you Suzuki_dudet
AM] Mihylo33: Anyone with common sense wouldnt let their child stay home all day
[05-19, 06:07 AM] suzuki_dude: there is no point in going back to school for 2 weeks!
[05-19, 06:06 AM] Mihylo33: No.... you need to tell your dad. " hey I want a better life. I want to go back to school!
[05-19, 06:06 AM] bobkyle2:
[05-19, 06:05 AM] suzuki_dude: no i wanted to be homeschooled
[05-19, 06:05 AM] suzuki_dude: so i need to tell my dad "listen your gonna stop being a lazy bum and help me with that clutch cover"
[05-19, 06:04 AM] Mihylo33: Thats why you are home from school... right... cause he said so?
[05-19, 06:04 AM] suzuki_dude: i dont get it?
[05-19, 06:04 AM] Mihylo33: You are his crutch!
[05-19, 06:04 AM] Mihylo33: You dont get it... you dont need him... HE needs you!
[05-19, 06:03 AM] suzuki_dude: well its better living with him than my mom, my moms great but im 14 i need dad
[05-19, 06:03 AM] Mihylo33: you need YOU! You need drive! You need to say "I want to be a better person and I want more out of life!"
[05-19, 06:02 AM] Mihylo33: you don't need someone to bring you down...
[05-19, 06:02 AM] Mihylo33: then get rid of him!
[05-19, 06:02 AM] suzuki_dude: i dont get how, i need (or at least want) my dads help but he wont help me...he wont help me with anything at all my clutch cover on my bike still leaks becuase i need/want his help to get it to stop so i dont eff something up
[05-19, 06:00 AM] bobkyle2: brb
[05-19, 06:00 AM] Mihylo33: THEN CHANGE! WTF????
[05-19, 05:59 AM] suzuki_dude: i know im lazy
[05-19, 05:59 AM] bobkyle2:
[05-19, 05:58 AM] Mihylo33: you are patheticly lazy... I'm surprised you make it to the bathroom
[05-19, 05:58 AM] Mihylo33: Sudu go back and read all your threads from this year...
[05-19, 05:57 AM] Mihylo33:
[05-19, 05:57 AM] suzuki_dude: i have like 15 books i havn't read im just to lazy to read em
[05-19, 05:56 AM] suzuki_dude: well to tell you the truth i never get to go to the library, my dad wont take me anywhere
[05-19, 05:56 AM] Mihylo33:
[05-19, 05:55 AM] bobkyle2:
[05-19, 05:55 AM] Mihylo33: excuses... The library has 10000 books!
[05-19, 05:54 AM] Mihylo33: reach between your legs with both hands, grab your ears and pull your head out of your ass.
[05-19, 05:54 AM] suzuki_dude: well i HAD my own personal library that i spend 3 years getting books for i probly had 200 books then when my moms stalker ex boyfriend was moving our stuff to a storage unit he left my books in the old house and now they're gone
[05-19, 05:53 AM] Mihylo33: If you are crying about not being where you want to be now, in 10yrs you are gonna be crying again and again in 20 yrs...