Now that I've had an opportunity to read ALLLLL of these great suggestions, quips and anecdotes, I believe I have to do these 3 main things...
1) Get a tender - See my first thread
you'll note that I said I DID purchase one and will be hooking it up today...
2) I do have a fan, yes I know letting it idle is not the same as riding it to charge but since I was not riding but rather doing yard work it was the closest thing to it at the time.
3) This is for RACK for the "on the ground more than on the bike comment"
4) This is for Palmer+ASS for the "mileage vs hours comment"....
5) This is for GEEK with his "excuses comment"....
But all in all I do appreciate your in-put .....
.....T'day REALLY needs to come quick so James can go "prospecting" again and take some of the lime light off of me ....