All Thursday 2-21-13 (Glamis)

I've been wanting to take my bike to the dunes for a while now and I haven't been to Glamis in years. So going out of my way a little to have a different experience is worth it. I'm not backing down because all these haters are trying discourage us. :P
No Haters here, though I am not a fan of the dunes (have gone a few times in the past), just trying to make sure you enjoy your experience and keep the bike running good after. I can give you a laundry list of why i don't go anymore or wait it can do to the bikes.

I hope you guys make it out there and have a great time. Hey it is Saddle time and that is all the matters in the end.:ride:
No Haters here, though I am not a fan of the dunes (have gone a few times in the past), just trying to make sure you enjoy your experience and keep the bike running good after. I can give you a laundry list of why i don't go anymore or wait it can do to the bikes.

I hope you guys make it out there and have a great time. Hey it is Saddle time and that is all the matters in the end.:ride:

Yeah, thanks for your input.

I've been many times to the dunes also. And I've never ruined or have done anything to my bike because of the sand. But I have broken or messed things up everywhere else besides sand though. lol There are pro's and con's for anywhere though.
i cant get the mount at the shop near me :(. I do really want to get out to Glamis since its been so long and i only rode a dirtbike there one time when i had no clue what i was doing but its becoming more and more of a bitch right now to make it by tomorrow. maybe in a week or 2? when i can get a paddle set up as well :smirk: you down for another trip?

I think im just gonna go hammer out a few hours with the spot on in OW solo just to build some more skills :smirk: if it dont work out for Glamis and you want to join me i can take us to some fun places in OW.
Fee & Permit Information

Who needs a permit? One permit is needed per primary vehicle. A primary vehicle is any street legal vehicle used for transportation to the recreation site. A permit is required at all times while in the fee area and may be required to exit the area. Please keep your permit until you exit the fee area.
How long do I have to purchase a permit? The permit is required immediately upon arrival to the recreation area. When you purchase your permit before you arrive at the dunes, you save money.
Off-site Season permit $90 - valid from October 1 to September 30
Weekly permit $25 - valid for seven consecutive days upon entry.

On-site Season permit $120 - valid from October 1 to September 30
Weekly permit $ 40 - valid for seven consecutive days upon entry.
did you find the mounts?

A standard flag mount might work. I see how people say the axle nut is different on a KTM but I'm going to see if I put a washer on it with the flag mount and see if that works. I'm eating right now and will post my results in an hour or so.