While we are on the subject of rangers, has anyone been warned or had an issue with grey water dumping?
I realize that Mike, but if you choose that as your line of work, one has to survey the situation first BEFORE being a dick. You cannot throw out the baby with the bath water.I had a BLM enforcement guy stop and check our draining grey water. He said it was OK as long as it wasn't black water.
AND...50%$ of the people LEO contact are dicks or stupid. That's why they are being contacted.
I am meeting with Tom tomorrow and will post a copy of the ticket in the next few days. Will then give out my PO for whoever wants to donate the $20. Any money left over can be dealt with after. If there is any, maybe I could use it to have a community BBQ where me and Brent (xquadtard) can smoke some killer meat at the next get together. Thank you everybody. This has been a good informative and educational post.
It means they are biodegradable in 100 fucking years! That's right, environmentalist think their shit don't stink! It does, for a hundred damn years!! Just like plastic shopping bags are supposed to be or were supposed to be better than paper. And plastic cups made from corn base material is supposed to be better glass. Ok, rant over!!! Damn enviro nut jobs.Chinese lanterns - I looked to buy some of these on line before heading out for this trip. It seemed as if most of them were "green environment friendly". I need to go back and look at the website and see what that actually meant.
it dont matter if it only takes 2 weeks for them to biodegrade i dont want to ever see that shit in the dez and every night i have seen them in the sky... i see em in bushes the next day.Chinese lanterns - I looked to buy some of these on line before heading out for this trip. It seemed as if most of them were "green environment friendly". I need to go back and look at the website and see what that actually meant.