Weathergeek's new adventure: J & B's Grill and BBQ in Frazier Park

Hi all. I really am not quite sure what I have gotten myself into. Thanks for all the well wishes. The last 4 days have averaged 16 hours with some days even longer. The only thing I am doing when I get home is sleeping.

That said, the restaurant has been a rousing success so far which is a bit shocking when you consider the size of the area up here. We have been busy, busy, busy, even yesterday, a Monday and weekday which is typically quiet up here. Holding up to the buzz has been a bit difficult, but we have done that and then some. We did not annouce or advertise our opening, just went with word of mouth and it has been great.:thumb: My time on here over the next week or two will be short, but happy to see all the well wishes from all of my DBA friends. Hope to see some of you soon too.

As for riding, well..... not in the cards for a while.:pout: :cry:
Good to hear Bruce, what did you think when you ventured into this, that you would be out riding all the time? It's time to get a bike (any) with a plate so you can at least ride to work and back. Any=hogs too! :thumb:

The main reason I didn't want to do which meant my heart wasn't into it 100% which to me is recipe for failure. YOU on the other hand went ahead and did it. My hat's off to you and your buddy AND families... As they say, "it takes a village...." :clap:
Good to hear Bruce, what did you think when you ventured into this, that you would be out riding all the time? It's time to get a bike (any) with a plate so you can at least ride to work and back. Any=hogs too! :thumb:

Adding a little distance Bruce could even get that little bit of singletrack on top of Tecuya ridge in his ride to work.

Bruce, remember "Sleep is overrated." Just repeat often enough and you might even start to believe it. :lol:

Hmmm, resized you can't really read the "home" and "work." Oh well I'm sure you get the idea.

You don't know about J & B's secret menu?
I mean, there is no secret menu, yeah, that's what I meant.

Opening weekend tomorrow, good luck Geek, I'd say let us know how it went, but you will probably be too beat to do anything 'cept go home and sleep.

This reminds me of the "secret chat room" :smirk:

Did you and Palmer ever get the password?

good to see Darryl gave up teh storage auctions :prof:

hehe j/k he is a cool dude. after the shindig at your house i came home and told the wife how jealous i was of your awesome little community there. cool people around you for the most part :thumb:
Looks like a good thing is going Geek. You just may see the red Harley pulling in next weekend, with 2 hungry people on board. :thumb: