Westlake Inter AM, Hopetown, 74 Carnegie Trans AM, 77 Sears Point Trans AM


Staff member
Those are some interesting videos, it's surprising how much not just the bikes have changed but also the tracks. :ride:
Those are some interesting videos, it's surprising how much not just the bikes have changed but also the tracks. :ride:

Great observation, James! Some of us old guys that had the opportunity to witness and/or compete on a Natural Terrain Motocross tracks of the past know that we experianced the "Golden Years" of our sport.

It is sad :cry: to see the evolution of Motocross (defined as a track over Natural terrain, in the old days) to bulldozed, outdoor Supercross tracks. It is also sad :cry: to witness the dramatic increase in serious injuries/death, as our Natural Terrain Motocross tracks evolved into Outdoor Supercross tracks. Bulldozed tracks with man made obstacles.

I recall Roger Decoster talking about the birth of a new sport, called Supercross. He said it would be a sad day when Motocross evolves into outdoor Supercross. Prophetic. :thumb:

I would suggest that Cross Country became more popular with many "Old School" riders who enjoyed racing on Natural terrain MX courses of the past. Many Cross Country events exploited the Natural Terrain in course layout.

Those that have never experianced the challenge of racing on a Natural Terrain MX track, have no clue what they have lost. I realize I am the only one that has lost all interest in modern day, outdoor Supercross. I used to look forward to attending National MX events, I have not attended Outdoor Supercross for many years. Supercross is for Stadiums! Change is not always good.

In my day, the 125 National Championship was a very important title to earn, today east and west coast "training wheel class" for the up and comers, WTF. These guys are factory supported and should compete head to head, not split into two series...

I know I am the only one in the country that would like to see a National Championship MX series with Old School, Natural Terrain Motocross courses and WORKS bikes! :thumb:



Staff member
It is sad :cry: to see the evolution of Motocross (defined as a track over Natural terrain, in the old days) to bulldozed, outdoor Supercross tracks. It is also sad :cry: to witness the dramatic increase in serious injuries/death, as our Natural Terrain Motocross tracks evolved into Outdoor Supercross tracks. Bulldozed tracks with man made obstacles.
:noidea: So what happened, everyone started getting bored? I know that where I'm from "Natural Terrain" would be flat tracking, so I can personally see the need for some obstacles. However you're right in that some tracks seem to be taking it almost to far, especially amateur tracks.

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