What Cameras Are Good


Staff member
HEY! The standard GoPro that I use HAS A VIEWFINDER. Also, The standard is the SMALLEST camera you can get. It's not the "toaster" you hear about. The 1080p one is the frickin monster. So quit this debate and just pick up a standard!:prof: -BIG DAN:banana:
SDhero does not have a viewfinder

LOL you are talking about the little hole like on a disposable camera... im talking about an actual LCD screen ... neither one of us is wrong here


Staff member
LOL how can you say limited options... the HD has WAY WAY WAY more options and more options are coming out all the time.
I don't think that that's what he meant, he was just saying that the SD is another option for a helmet cam.
the SD is a good camera for its price. there is nothing wrong with it and id go with that over some off name cheese camera if i was on a budget.

If you can afford the HD and some of the accesorys they definitly do that as you wont be disappointed.
:confused: I will be going to a place that carries all of these things so I can see exactly what we are all talking about here. :thinking: A view finder would be nice but as Dan says they have it.


Staff member
My last contribution to this thread is

90% of youtubers watch videos in 360p and not in full screen. Most low end computers have lo res screens so anything over 720 is not visible anyway.
I am out to "document" the good, bad, ugly, greasy, slimy, wet, snowy, crappy, dirbike conditions that I get myself into. I am not shooting promotional or professional videos. Every dollar i spend on this camera is TAKING AWAY from the money i could be using to go to a nice place, or that extra trip at the end of the month. $$$$ is king, and riding is more important to me than how the video looks.

Same package but 1080p, and currently under $150

Hope that is helpful! -BIG DAN:thumb:
thats a great deal right there. dont think its gonna stay under 150 tho

you even get tha plastic base that comes with the display box. That base is awesome and people WANT them.

What will people pay for that base, I still have mine :thinking: