What did you do to your bike today?


Staff member
93 WR500
Cleaned the chain and air filter. General wipe down.

89 YZ250
Ordered a new flywheel, woodruff key, and spark plug wire.
Apparently the flywheel was dropped at some point, which tweaked the rivets. Over time, the rivets wore down due to fretting corrosion, and finally shook the flywheel retaining nut loose enough to kill the ignition and shear the woodruff key. :picard:

81 IT175
Resealed the intake boot with aircraft grade fuel tank sealant. (PR1422 B1/2) I will re-install today.
Dropped the needle clip one notch (richer)
Retarded the timing to help avoid pinging at +75% throttle/+75%RPM

86 KDX
Just looked at the parts in a box... Still waiting to get paid and get my brother the piston kit for his birthday...

-BIG DAN:thumb:
Jobs are everywhere, didn't you know Americans are lazy. really if you can live off 10 bucks an hour there are people begging to hire around here. Even teenagers won't work for that :picard:
Move to Manitoba :thumb: We've got blizzards in the winter and Mosquitos in the summer. Plus, we don't have to pay for shipping if we buy over eleventeen-hundred dollars worth of stuff from the States.

Speaking of Manitoba..... I still have this dog!

The next time you're in the Palm Springs area. dro9p me a line and I'll bring her to ya to take back... she'd be a HOOT to watch runaway for1 day let alone 2... :lol: